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As I walked through the front gate, I was greeted by the sight of my garden, the flowers blooming in vibrant colors. It had been a few days since I had been home, and I realized that I had forgotten to ask someone to water the plants. As I walked closer, I saw that the soil was dry and the leaves were wilting.

I knew what I had to do. I quickly went to the shed to grab a watering can and went to work. I carefully poured water over each plant, making sure not to miss a single one. As I did so, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment. There was something therapeutic about tending to the garden, something that made me feel connected to nature and the earth.

As I finished watering the last plant, I took a step back to admire my work. The flowers looked revived and alive again, their petals standing tall and proud. I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that I had saved them from drying out and dying.

From that day on, I made a promise to myself to always remember to water the plants before leaving home. It was a small task, but it had a big impact on my happiness and the beauty of my garden. And so, I continued to tend to my garden, watching it grow and flourish with each passing day.


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