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The number 12 is pronounced as 'twelve' in English. It is a unique number that appears frequently in our daily lives.

In terms of time, there are 12 hours on a clock face, and we divide a day into two sets of 12 hours each. The Gregorian calendar, which is the most widely used calendar in the world, has 12 months in a year. Additionally, there are 12 zodiac signs, 12 apostles in Christianity, and 12 tribes of Israel in the Bible.

In mathematics, 12 is a composite number, meaning it can be divided by factors other than 1 and itself. It is also the smallest abundant number, which means that the sum of its proper divisors (excluding itself) is greater than the number itself.

In sports, 12 is a popular number for jerseys, particularly in soccer and basketball. Some notable athletes who have worn the number 12 include Tom Brady, Joe Namath, Dwight Howard, and John Stockton.

In the world of entertainment, 12 is the number of notes in a full octave on a piano keyboard. It is also the number of jurors in a jury trial, which has been the subject of many movies and TV shows.

In conclusion, the number 12 is a fascinating and versatile number that appears in many aspects of our lives. Whether it's the time of day, the date on a calendar, or the number on a sports jersey, 12 is a number that we encounter regularly and is an important part of our daily routines.


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