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Family Members

Family members are the people who are related to you by blood or marriage. They are the people who you grow up with and share your life with. Here are some common family member names in English:

1. Father – This is the male parent.

2. Mother – This is the female parent.

3. Brother – This is the male sibling.

4. Sister – This is the female sibling.

5. Grandfather – This is the father of your father or mother.

6. Grandmother – This is the mother of your father or mother.

7. Uncle – This is your father or mother’s brother.

8. Aunt – This is your father or mother’s sister.

9. Cousin – This is the child of your aunt or uncle.

10. Nephew – This is your brother or sister’s son.

11. Niece – This is your brother or sister’s daughter.

12. Son – This is your male child.

13. Daughter – This is your female child.

14. Husband – This is the male partner in a marriage.

15. Wife – This is the female partner in a marriage.

16. Partner – This is a gender-neutral term for someone in a committed relationship.

These are just some of the common family member names in English. Family is an important part of our lives, and it’s important to know the names of our loved ones.


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